A recent National Association of Shoplifting Prevention (NASP) study finds that 1 in 11 people in the United States is a shoplifter. Because statistics prove shoplifting to be such a common occurrence, retailers and their employees should be prepared to handle it when it happens.
TRIFT offers a selection of courses addressing shoplifting, prevention, and ethical dilemmas. Below are images of courses that can help businesses address this topic with employees, and help them to take preventive measures when this topic arises.
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The MMBA Training Program:
TRIFT offers members the opportunity to train and develop their employees with on-line micro-learning courses. Offering an exclusive member-only learning portal (at no charge) on our complete beverage retail program.
Read more about TRIFT and our programs by clicking HERE. View the MMBA/TRIFT home page HERE (Enter password MMBA2021).