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Socrates Sakell

TRIFT announces two new sales courses just in time for summertime fun. Make the most of the upcoming summer season and drive greater awareness of those favorite summertime beverages. Both courses have up-loaded into your learning portal and ready to be assigned to your staff.

The Perfect Summertime BBQ Beverages: When spring days fade away, that means it's time for your customers to break out their grills and smokers, and start planning summertime get-togethers. This year, you'll ready to assist them in making each one a special occasion. Our course on "The Perfect Summertime BBQ Beverages" will introduce you to some unique cocktail recipes that pair great with just about anything your customers barbecue, as well as wine and beer suggestions.

July 4th - Explosive Cocktails: The sound of fireworks and the smell of a family barbeque, and the 4th of July (commonly referred to as Independence Day), is one of the most celebrated holidays in America! In this course, we'll give you some history, recommendations to help when deciding how to merchandise your store for the holidays, as well as some fun cocktail recipes that you can share with your customers preparing to celebrate the 4th of July holiday.

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